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导读: 关于”描写人外貌“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:describe people's appearance。以下是关于描写人外貌的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”描写人外貌“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:describe people's appearance。以下是关于描写人外貌的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:describe people's appearance

when describing someone's appearance it is important to use descriptive adjectives to give a clear picture of what the person looks like. here are some examples

1. she has long curly brown hair and hazel eyes. she is tall and slim with a graceful posture.

2. he has a shaved head and a bushy beard. his piercing blue eyes stand out against his tan skin. he has a muscular build and a confident walk.

3. she has short straight black hair and a on nose. her almond-shaped eyes are a deep shade of brown. she has a petite frame and a cheerful demeanor.

4. he has a receding hairline and a prominent chin. his green eyes are framed by thick eyebrows. he has a stocky build and a serious expression.

5. she has wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. her full lips are always curled into a smile. she has a curvy figure and a bubbly personality.

1. 她长着长长的卷发淡褐色的眼睛身材高挑苗条举止优雅

2. 他剃了个光头留着浓密的胡须他深邃的蓝眼睛在棕色的肌肤中显得格外突出他身材结实步态自信

3. 她短发黑发直直的鼻子小巧她的杏仁形眼睛是深褐色的她身材娇小性格开朗

4. 他发际线后移下巴突出他的绿色眼睛被粗眉毛框住他身材魁梧表情严肃

5. 她有着金色的波浪发和明亮的蓝眼睛她的丰满嘴唇总是微笑着她身材曲线玲珑性格活泼


i do not have the ability to describe human appearance as i do not have the sense of sight. however here is a sample of how you could describe someone's appearance in english

he is a tall slender man with short dark hair and piercing blue eyes. he has a strong jawline and a straight nose. his skin is tan and smooth and he has a faint stubble on his chin. he is dressed in a black suit and white shirt with a matching silk tie.



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